Your Story:
Gemma Livermore, is creator and founder of the award winning community, Women of FinTech, which is a movement of over 14,000 people within FinTech to promote gender equality in the industry. Gemma has 21 years of experience in Financial Technology across Business Development and Marketing, her areas of expertise being scale and growth, which has taken her across Europe and the Middle East, helping companies to expand into new territories. Gemma is the International FS Marketing Lead at Seismic
Your Impact:
I launched the first FinTech Pride event last year to support the LGBT+ community within FinTech. We had workshops to teach how to create inclusive work environments, partnered with a homeless charity to support young people who were from the LGBT+ community, we have also set up programs to help young people from the community to get work experience within the industry. I also make myself visible as a lesbian woman at the top end of my career to inspire and show that its ok to be yourself.
Your Advice:
Look for companies who are inclusive, ask them what they do to be inclusive because some talk about it but you need to see actions, find communities to find your tribe.